I have a problem with installing new themes in Drupal 7. When I activate them they show no CSS. It also doesnt show the theme preview picture on the appearance menu. The CSS files are all in place in the file system. I have installed Drupal manually.

Just to add I have two different wehosts on which I run my different websites. On one of these webhosts I am able to install Drupal 7 with a oneclick software system. On these websites the themes work fine. On the other webhost I have, the one click install system only lets me install Drupal 8, so I have to install Drupal 7 manually. This is the one where the themes do not work properly. Could it be an due to an error with my installation?


Öderland’s picture

It could be that the path to the css-files aren't linked correctly in the .info file:
Have you linked the css-file in the yourtheme.info file inside the root folder of your theme?
It should look something like this:
stylesheets[all][] = css/custom.css

Or does it not even show the base-theme-styles?