Hi everyone,

i have a taxonomy in my content type which is like "A" "B" "C" or "D"

when i want compare it in my twig template to check if it is equal to A B C or D it always return false, so i tried print is as :

<span class="note note{{ fields.field_classe_energetique.content }}">

so i can change background color depending on the note, but same its not working because it is not only printing A B C or D but also all the theme hook, suggestions etc from Devel, is there a way to not print that only for this variable ?

Thanks in advance.


crashbdx’s picture

If i set :

    debug: false

to false everything work but its a bit complicated to work by switching debut always to see the result, is there anyway to print a specific twig variable without the debug infos and without turning the entire twig debug off ?