Hello, I'm Luis and I develope a web site with Drupal 7. This site has a map with shows places. The specifications are the next:

Drupal 7
VIEWS 7.x­3.11
Features 7.x­2.8 (act. 23/03/2016)
Address Field 7.x­1.2
Geocoder 7.x­1.3
Geofield 7.x­ 2.3
geoPHP 7.x­1.7
Libraries 7.x­ 2.2
Proj4js 7.x­1.2
OpenLayers 7.x­2.0­beta11
Openlayers Locator v 7.x.2.x­dev
Display Suite v. 7.x­2.11

This site stores information about cultural places like musseums or libraries including a map. Well, this part runs right.

Also, this web has a view which shows a world map with marks over the cities where the cultural places are. When you place the mouse cursor over the city mark, the system shows a tooltip with the name of the cultural building.

There are two questions:
1.- The tooltip disappear very quickly
2.- I need make a click over the tittle of register and the system has to show the complete information about this place.

If you need to watch the web, the URL is http://infonautica.net/Dyehuthy2/mostrar-en-el-mapa-los-equipamientos

Sorry, it's in Spanish!

How do I fix the questions?

Thanks a lot for you time


lfortiz’s picture

If need to know the process, say me. I must to translate to English my notes about the process ;-)

Oligerd’s picture

Please, translate to English your notes about how make the same map.

lfortiz’s picture

Well, I'll translate the especific question about the tooltip when I have time, my writings are very long ;-). Finally, I configured correctly the map...


You must switch off the next option "tooltip for features" wich is in the menu "Structure", option "OpenLayers", option "Maps", choose your map and use the "button Edit", link "behaviours".

Best regards