I have a sheetnode module enabled. On some of the pages, it is used in the "HTML table" mode in the right pane, and on some other pages there is a full-blown editable spreadsheet.

All pages that use the spreadsheet as an HTML table have this error in JavaScript Console in Firefox:

TypeError: editor.griddiv is undefined

This comes from SocialCalc.CalculateEditorPositions().

I have traced it to the fact that Drupal.sheetnode.prototype.start() omits the initialization of spreadsheet control or the viewer if the view mode is "HTML table" and saving the element is disabled:

  if (self.settings.saveElement || self.settings.viewMode != Drupal.sheetnode.viewModes.htmlTable) {
    if (showEditor) {
      this.spreadsheet.InitializeSpreadsheetControl(this.settings.containerElement, 700, this.$container.width());
    else {
      this.spreadsheet.InitializeSpreadsheetViewer(this.settings.containerElement, 700, this.$container.width());
    if (parts && parts.edit) {
      this.spreadsheet.editor.LoadEditorSettings(this.settings.value.substring(parts.edit.start, parts.edit.end));

The problem is that later in the setup function, this is called:


And this (through a long chain of function calls and timers) wants to recalculate new cell sizes, and apply them to griddiv.

I have worked around the problem by always initializing the spreadsheet viewer:

  if (true || self.settings.saveElement || self.settings.viewMode != Drupal.sheetnode.viewModes.htmlTable) {
    // ...

but would like to see a proper fix.


patrakov created an issue.