When working on projects they exist locally and on servers where simplesamlphp_auth is enabled by default in features.
On all admin-pages there's a message:

SimpleSAMLphp could not be found at /var/www/simplesamlphp-1.13.2 .
The simplesamlphp_auth module cannot function until the path to the local SimpleSAMLphp instance is configured.

As existing in the .module file on line: 700

    // communicate but don't be too annoying
    if ( $bShowInactiveMsg && (1 == $user->uid || user_access('access administration pages')) && ( preg_match('/admin\/people/', request_uri()) || preg_match('/admin\/modules/', request_uri()) || preg_match('/admin\/config/', request_uri()) ) ) {

Normally, contrib modules use the status report page. On this page it is expected to report the status of the module/configuration.
I think it would be better to report on the status report page instead of on each page with the solution provided as on line 700 of the .module file.


mr.infinity created an issue.