Quick Start

The most simple way to use trackfield modules to display a map with a path on your content types:

  1. Install trackfield.
  2. Enable Track, Track CSV and Track Map modules.
  3. Optionally enable KML, GPX, etc, etc. if you want to input these formats.
  4. Edit the content type you wish to add maps to, and....
  5. Add a Track field, type of data "Track", (text field widget) - this is the storage for your paths. This field will be referenced later, so give it a suitable name, such as 'track_data'.
  6. Add a Track Map field (no widget) - this will display paths stored in the Track field just created. In the 'Reference Field Name' configuration you must specify the storage field created in the previous step. Drupal adds 'field_' to the front of your names, so in the example you would enter, 'field_track_data'.
  7. Visit the 'Display fields' tab of your content type and specify where you want the track_data and map fields to be displayed. Most people will probably want to always hide the data field. Map field has multiple size options to experiment with.

You should now be able to create content and enter co-ordinate information in the text box for your track_data field, and get a map of this information with your content. Of course latitude/longitude data must be entered or the map cannot be shown.


In order to upload and process data in a file, follow these steps:

  1. Attach the file to your node in the usual way. The 'list' option on files in unimportant.
  2. Place the filename with your data in inside the value part of the trackfield. Thus multiple files can be attached to a node but only one used for this purpose.
  3. Choose the appropriate encoding/dataset handler for your file from the 'Treat data as' drop down. This will be something like 'File: KML'.
  4. Submit the content as usual.


sano’s picture


In step 1:
a) what is the "...usual way..."?
b) where is the "...'list' option..."?

In step 2 - the sentence "Place the filename with your data in inside the value part of the trackfield" does not make sense. Maybe it should read: "Place name of the file containing your data into the value part of trackfield"? In that case, what is "...value part of the trackfield..."?

spydmobile’s picture

bump... good questions, I am confused those issues and its 2010...

smscotten’s picture

Re the "usual way": you have to enable the Track File module (part of Trackfield but it's one of the optional sub-modules). One of its dependencies is the Upload module. Now your nodes will have a "File attachments" section for you to upload files in what should look like the usual manner (click "Choose File" and browse to the file on your machine etc)

Re step 2: once the file has been uploaded you'll have a name for the file on the server. Put that filename into the textarea part of the Trackfield in your node creation form. The Trackfield entry should consist of two parts: a blank textarea and a select box for "Treat data as". The "value part of the trackfield" refers to that textarea.

Hope that helps.

NickWebman’s picture

the concept of this module is awesome and I'd love to use it. in practice though, it's a bit rough. I can't quite get it to work, and I need users to be able to upload GPX tracks on their own so this doesn't quite get the job done. Excited to see where you take this... Thanks.

figs’s picture

Did I read this correctly - this module doesn't have a manual input widget (draw lines/tracks with the cursor)?

masher’s picture

It does not unfortunately.

The Openlayers module provides this function.

Another option is to draw lines using Google Earth (much more precise than above), save as .kml and attach to your node or cut-n-paste the kml code into the text box

Lemontonix’s picture

Step 5 of the Quickstart reads. "Add a Track field, type of data "Track", (text field widget)"

In my Drupal 6.20 I cannot see any CCK field type "Track" although I have installed and activated all trackfield modules. What am I doing wromg?

Thanks for your help.