Posted by lolhonk on May 24, 2016 at 7:30pm


i use use the flag module (7.x-3.7) with Drupal 7.42 for a like button, but on some pages it leads to an ajax loop (ajax load and doesnt stop). Can someone help me with this issue.

This is the error which i get after clicking on the flag like button:

jquery.min.js?v=1.9.1:4 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: <span class="flag-wrapper flag-like flag-like-568">
      <a href="/flag/unflag/like/568?destination=node/568&amp;token=tYEyt9cfO5CwcpSKMY7KTFzZQJes41qGfItojyL5z1Q" title="" class="flag unflag-action flag-link-toggle flagged btn btn-sm style3 post-like pos-bottom wow infinite pulse" data-animation="pulse" data-wow-delay="1300" rel="nofollow">
      <i class="fa fa-heart"></i> <p class="heart">4</p>
    <span class="flag-throbber">&nbsp;</span>
            <span class="flag-message flag-success-message flag-flagged-message flag-auto-remove">

thanks for help! Pls write me your offer.



1kenthomas’s picture

FWIW, you might get a somewhat better response if you fill out your profile. At least name and country, please!

Otherwise, unless someone has seen this specific problem before, how are they going to know if it will take 30 minutes or 3 hours? :)

vgutekunst’s picture

Thanks for this advice. I changed my profile.

vgutekunst’s picture

This work is done. Please dont contact me to this issue anymore. Thank you!