
Here is a bit of a run-down of what went down.

There was a security update for the XML Site Map module. I had updated the module on my local development site, then pushed the new module files up to production via git. I ran the update process as normal and everything seemed to be okay. What I didn't know, however, is that during this process, a few of my other modules were disabled automatically. It caused a nightmare of a day, but that is not the point of this!

After I discovered that these modules had been disabled (various Ubercart modules), I tried to simply enable them through the admin panel as normal, but no dice. The page would simply refresh and would not save my configuration. I then went into the database, set those modules enable field to 1, and they still were not enabled. I had to then go back into the database, enable them, then clear my cache. After that, the modules are enabled and working as expected.

My issue is now is anytime I make a change on the modules page, those few offending modules disable themselves again. Is this a registry or some sort of cache issue?

Some other information:

Memcached enabled
Apache 2.4+
PHP 5.5

Thank you in advance to anyone who replies!


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Never update live without taking a database backup.

Can you reproduce the same behavior on DEV?

I like cookies!

kma179’s picture

Thanks for the reply. The server is making database backups constantly, so I have them if need be.

I am unable to reproduce on the development site. I always perform updates there before pushing live.

I would have to think that there is a specific table(s) that could be investigated to restore this functionality without having to resort to doing a full back-up. Perhaps records in the registry or registry_file table that could be looking for the old files and or hashes that were changed during the update.


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Yeah well without being able to reproduce and debug or any error messages it will be very hard to guess what's wrong. I just found this here by random googling: https://www.drupal.org/node/2429297

Sounds like it could be your problem too?

I like cookies!

kma179’s picture

Yep, that sounds like it's exactly my problem. I'll close this thread and check that out. Definitely seems like it's my issue.

Thanks Stefan!

kma179’s picture

For anyone else who is having a similar problem, my solution was to disable the suhosin php module entirely. This fixed all of my issues with enabling modules.