Ok, I am trying to make my custom Drupal anti-duplicate rule.

I want it to fire up before content is saved and compare the specific field of the node currently being saved against the list of fields from nodes created in last 10 minutes and if it evaluates true, delete the duplicate node.

Say I want to evaluate node:field-x. I have a custom rules view that provides that fields from every node created in the time period and action set that iterates over that view and adds each desired field to the text list and in the end provides said list, let's name it listX.

That is where I have a problem, I cannot figure out how to pass listX into the main rule condition, so it can be evaluated against the unsaved-node:field-x.

Any suggestions? I have the right idea probably, but cannot figure out the last step. Note: I work with rules non-programatically via UI