I have a MigrateSourceSQL/MigrateDestinationNode migration to import new and update old content on a site.
It was working fine for years and now it misbehaves badly

What's changed:
drush 8 (was 6 then 7)
migrate 2.8 (from very old 2.x)
drupal 7.43 (was 7.2x)

I used to run 'drush mi XXX --update' before but now it looks like this:

drush @somesite mi PartNode --limit='1 item' --update 
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.

That's it, no migrate messages, no WD entries, no PHP errors.

Running the same command with --debug produces this:

Found command: migrate-import (commandfile=migrate) [1.07 sec, 39.49 МБ]                                                         [bootstrap]
Calling hook drush_migrate_import_validate [1.21 sec, 42.4 МБ]                                                                       [debug]
Returned from hook drush_migrate_import_validate [1.21 sec, 42.4 МБ]                                                                 [debug]
Calling hook drush_migrate_pre_migrate_import [1.21 sec, 42.41 МБ]                                                                   [debug]
Returned from hook drush_migrate_pre_migrate_import [1.21 sec, 42.41 МБ]                                                             [debug]
Calling hook drush_migrate_import [1.21 sec, 42.43 МБ]                                                                               [debug]
Importing 'PartNode' migration [1.22 sec, 43.12 МБ]                                                                                 [notice]
WD node: MigrateException: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at                           [error]
File /.../includes/common.inc, line 705 in MigrationBase->errorHandler() (line 541 of
/.../sites/all/modules/migrate/includes/base.inc). [1.47 sec, 56.51 МБ]
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/tools/drush/8/drush/includes/output.inc:40)     [error]
File /.../includes/common.inc, line 705 [1.47 sec, 56.51 МБ]
Processed 1 (0 created, 0 updated, 1 failed, 0 ignored) in 0.3 sec (231/min) - done with 'PartNode' [1.48 sec, 56.51 МБ]         [completed]
Returned from hook drush_migrate_import [1.48 sec, 56.42 МБ]                                                                         [debug]
Command dispatch complete [1.48 sec, 56.37 МБ]                                                                                      [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec)
 page   1.012      1      1011.86

The node is actually updated in this case although Migrate counts it as failed.

I was trying to debug this by adding $this->saveMessage(print_r($current_row), Migration::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL) to prepare()/prepareRow() and in that case everything is the same as with --debug except for where "the headers already sent".


scoff created an issue.