
Last updated on
1 October 2017

Drupal 7 will no longer be supported after January 5, 2025. Learn more and find resources for Drupal 7 sites

UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable.

UIkit offers over 30 modular and extendible components, which can be combined with each other. Components are divided into different compartments according to their purpose and functionality.

  • Defaults: These components generally normalize HTML elements for cross browser functionality and add some very basic styling.
  • Layout: Apply our fully responsive fluid grid system and panels, common layout parts like blog articles and comments and useful utility classes.
  • Navigations: UIkit offers different types of navigations, like navigation bars and side navigations. Use breadcrumbs or a pagination to steer through articles.
  • Elements: Style basic HTML elements, like tables and forms. These components use their own classes. They won't interfere with any default element styling.
  • Common: Here you'll find components that you often use within your content, like buttons, icons, badges, overlays, animations and much more.
  • JavaScript: These components rely mostly on JavaScript to fade in hidden content, like dropdowns, modal dialogs, off-canvas bars and tooltips.

Visit getuikit.com for more information about these features.

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