
I have a node published only to domain1.test.local and when i try to set the domain-specific paths, there are no textfields there.
I have the administrator role and i have publish to any assigned domain and publish to any assigned domain permissions.

I discovered that within domain_path.module there is a setting injected into js only if the user doesn't have those permissions.
This is the condition (line 271):

if (!user_access('publish to any assigned domain') && !user_access('set domain access'))

and this is the part where the setting is attached (line 287):

$form['domain_path']['#attached']['js'][] = array(
      'data' => array('domainPath' => array('domainId' => $domain_id)),
      'type' => 'setting',

I don't understand why the textfields are shown only if i don't have those permissions.


beluoctavian created an issue.