Hi everyone,

Im at a loss as what to do now. I have updated from drupal 7.3 something to 7.43. I replaced everything apart from the sites folder. It all went fine and the install seemed good. Now none of the links on my site work and i get an error URL NOT FOUND! I have no admin bar and nice menus seems to have disappeared. I cant access anything!

Is this clean urls amoungst other things?

What do i need to do to repair the entire site.

Many thanks



Jaypan’s picture

Go through the error logs and find the problems, then google them one at a time.

Also, if you went directly from 7.30 to 7.43, that's asking for troubles. Better to upgrade in smaller steps. If you've done that, you should restore a backup of 7.30, then move forward slowly from there.

58splitty’s picture

Im just getting error 404 on every link. I have reinstalled version 7.32 and the problem is the same. I have no admin so i cant do anything at all?

Jaypan’s picture

Look in your PHP and Apache error logs. If you have Drush installed, you can call drush ws to access the watchdog.

58splitty’s picture

I dont use drush and fully understand php Apache logs if im honest

philip_stier’s picture

Yes, you can access the logs for the website, if you have that core module enabled in the first place, however there are other things to keep in mind:

  • Have you updated the database for the website? You can do this simply by going to www.your-url.com/update.php
  • As long as you are not upgrading from 6.x to 7.x, you shouldn't have a problem upgrading. The only reason a 7.3 to 7.43 update may go wrong is if the Drupal core modules were altered, which is definitely recommended not to do.
  • Did you also update any of the modules in your modules list along with updating your core? Any module in your module list that may have been custom altered will revert back to default by updating the module. It is recommended that any custom module alterations be referenced in your theme structure, so as those alterations will not be changed when updating modules.

Have you copied the database and website files before updating? Always common practice to do so so that you may revert back if necessary. A module to help with this is the Backup And Migrate module https://www.drupal.org/project/backup_migrate.

58splitty’s picture

It was after the update.php it all went wrong. No module changes were made either. I have many back up and migrate files, I dont think this is the problem, I just cant get into anything as all the link and admin bar have gone?

58splitty’s picture

Heres what Im getting, so most of my modules are working, I just dont have admin menu at the top and the links fail


philip_stier’s picture

Are you using the Administration Menu module for the Drupal toolbar? There are multiple settings for this module that assist with browser-side cacheing and until I found out these settings, sometimes the toolbar would not display for me either.

Without the toolbar, you can still navigate to admin pages via the address bar (ex. .../admin/modules), are you still able to do this, or is the entire admin area inaccessible?

58splitty’s picture

I figured out last night that clean url have messed up things for me, i managed to get to the clean url window and turn them of by adding ?q=

Not sure why nice menus has striped out the css, but im 90% back to normal on V7.43

58splitty’s picture

Could it be that I was using clean urls or my ht access file?