
I'm trying to update my metadata as when I post my page on Facebook it just uses seemingly random text for the description - and not the image I want.

So in the configuration menu, under metatags, I have inserted the following (including in Open Graph):

Global: Front page
Inherits meta tags from: Global

Page title: [site:name] | [current-page:pager][site:slogan]
Image: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12984053_1040139636073795_1...
Canonical URL: [site:url]
Shortlink URL: [site:url]
Site name: Ubereadoolische
Content type: website
Page URL: www.ubereadoolische.com
Content title: Ubereadoolische
Content description: Ubereadoolische - your guide to the underground house/disco/techno scene in Reading.
Image: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12984053_1040139636073795_1...
Image type: image/jpeg
Site's Twitter account: @ubereadoolische
Description: Ubereadoolische - your guide to the underground house/disco/techno scene in Reading.
Image URL: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12984053_1040139636073795_1...

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

It is not accepting any of the above - I have tried using Facebook's debugger too. I am using D7.



arulraj’s picture

Try this module and can you grab ideas from the same.

yelvington’s picture

It is not accepting any of the above

What do you mean by "it" -- Drupal? Facebook?

And what do you mean by "is not accepting?" Form won't submit? Values aren't stored? Info doesn't show up in your HTML source code? Facebook won't scrape it?

You should be using https://www.drupal.org/project/metatag

Anonymous’s picture


Apologies for the delayed response. I want Facebook to show http://ubereadoolische.com/uc.JPG as default.

I have tried changing the setting on the Metatag configuration, and also tried installing the Opengraph module as advised above but neither work.

When I use Facebook debugger, it still shows me a random different image that I don't want it to show.
