ajax_loader 2.1.2

Bug fixes
  • #3423380 - The ajax loader is being displayed only the first time on type throbber.

After fixing issue #3331491, some regression occurred, resulting in problems such as duplicate throbbers, no throbbers, and only the first click works. The above adjustment should fix all such issues.

ajax_loader 2.1.1

Bug fixes
  • Issue #3322457 by Naveen Kumar Reddy, Manoj Raj.R, mvogel, phpsubbarao: Replace README.txt with README.md
  • Issue #3331491 by Eduardo Morales Alberti, Pierrere, bronisMateusz: Views Exposed Filter, Throbber not removed on consecutive Ajax Call

ajax_loader 2.1.0

New features

Drupal 10 release

ajax_loader 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Minor bugfix release

  • Issue #3158922 by langelhc, heilop: Mismatched overflow property value
  • Issue #3151652 by kavitasonawane: Replace t() with $this->t() for Drupal 8 version
  • Fixed type declaration for ajaxThrobberChange in AjaxLoaderSettingsForm

ajax_loader 2.0.0

New features

New semantic versioning release

Ajax loader is now D9 ready. This is an exact copy of the deprecated 8.x branch. New features and bug fixes will only be in upcoming 2.x.x releases.

  • Improved Drupal coding standards
  • Drupal 9 compatibility

ajax_loader 8.x-1.5

New features

Ajax loader is now D9 ready. This will be the last release for the 8.x branch. Please follow the new major 2.0.0 release for future updates.

  • Improved Drupal coding standards
  • Drupal 9 compatibility

ajax_loader 8.x-1.3

New features

- Added possibility to change the selector where the throbber is added.

ajax_loader 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

- Added config scheme
- Fixed bug when plugin id did not validate

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