hi everybody, i just have a issue with charset. i have a function in one php file and i make a call in two diferent placesl just for testing purposes. this is my function:

public static function retornar_matriculados_activos_letra($letra){		
		$conectar = new ConexionDB();
		$mysqli = $conectar->abrirConexion();
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM matriculado WHERE estado = 'ACTIVO' AND LEFT(apellido, 1)='".$letra."' order by apellido ";
		$resultado = $mysqli->query($sql);
		while ($row = $resultado->fetch_object()){
			$arr[] = array(		"apellido" => 	$row->apellido, 
							"nombre" => 	$row->nombre);			
		return $arr;

i have a php file in my root server directory where i make the call:


and i have created a test form in drupal 7:

function ezequiel_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['ezequiel'] = array(
    'title' => t('ezequiel'),
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
	'page arguments' => array('ezequiel_form'),
	'access callback' => TRUE,
  	'description' => t('ezequiel'),
    'type' =>MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

function ezequiel_form($form, &$form_state) { 
	  $form['nota'] = array(
			'#markup' => '',
	  return $form;

yep, i know, its just a print_r and exit. but my php file in the root directory returnt ( for example):

[apellido] => ACUÑA
[nombre] => JERE

and the print_r in my module form:

[apellido] => ACU�A 
[nombre] => JERE

there is any problem when the function is called trought drupal instead of been called in a external php file? i cant solve it.



Jaypan’s picture

When it's printed to the screen (not a print_r() dump), it should show correctly. I see the same with Japanese sometimes. print_r() dumps a bunch of gibberish to the screen, but outputting through Drupal shows the proper Japanese characters.

laden_maiden’s picture

ok , i changed my code just for drupal print out the info:

function ezequiel_form($form, &$form_state) { 
	  $r = Matriculado::retornar_matriculados_activos_letra('A');
	  $form['gg'] = array(	  		
	  				'#theme' => 'table',
	  				'#header' => array(),
	  				'#rows' => $r,
	  				'#empty' => 'No existen Matriculados');	 	  
	  return $form;	   

unfortunately it keeps showing wrong, what can i check? this happens only in development enviroment. testing and production works fine. but having differences between enviroments brings troubles, so i want to correct it. maybe the whole drupal development installed on my machine is the problem?

i retrieve the data in devel und testing enviroment from the same database, and in testing shows fine but in not in devel, so there is a problem with the drupal instance not with database charsets, i guess...


Jaypan’s picture

Make sure your php files are saved in UTF8 charset.