Using Drupal commerce, how can I know the total number of units sold for a single product?


John_B’s picture

The advice I received one of the Commerce Guys on a related question (not that particular issue) was that reporting usually needs custom code with a custom database table. There is a contrib module which appears to answer the need, but I have not tried it: Whilst I do use Commerce on client sites I am not an specialist on it, so may have missed something here.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

zeezhao’s picture

Yes, to confirm that commerce_reports will give you this. I use it.
Once installed, you can see quantity sold via: admin/commerce/reports/products

nextpic’s picture

it works. thank you

nextpic’s picture

it works. thank you