Hi Everyone,

I need a help to alter the views page breadcrumbs. I want to add the title and remove some links from views pages.


joshi.rohit100’s picture

To change breadcrumb, see - hook_system_breadcrumb_alter() or breadcrumb manager service. To add new, preprocess hook is there

neha.gangwar’s picture

I have used BreadcrumbBuilderInterface interface and created custom module as per my requirements.

vaibhavjain’s picture

Hey Neha,
Would you like to share your code ?
That would be helpful to us.

Vaibhav Jain

joshi.rohit100’s picture

@vaibhav - Just create 'breadcrumb_builder' tagged service and you have applies() and build()

neha.gangwar’s picture

As Rohit mentioned, I have used the same method. I have taken reference from here http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/151133/how-do-you-implement-a-...