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During the conversion of nodes to the new multilingual system in Drupal 8, the _node_mass_update_batch_process() batch callback function was not updated properly with the rest of the surrounding code, thus missing a $langcode parameter.

This caused an unexpected data loss situation: when a user who authored more than 10 content items (nodes) is being deleted and its content should be assigned to the Anonymous user, the content is deleted instead.

In Drupal 8.0.6, a new required $langcode parameter has been added to _node_mass_update_batch_process(). Even if it constitutes an API break, this solution was preferred over making the new parameter optional in order to prevent the data loss scenario.

Site builders, administrators, editors
Module developers
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Not done
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Not done
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Not done
Examples project: 
Not done
Coder Review: 
Not done
Coder Upgrade: 
Not done
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