Is there any way to show multiple value image field in grid. Some of the modules that can do this do not have D8 version released yet.


cmwelding’s picture


RKopacz’s picture

I am looking for this as well. Interestingly (and for me surprisingly), Drupal 8 presents these multiple fields as a table. The key to doing this would be to re-theme the node add/edit form to change this to a div layout with floats, and then override the theme template for the node add/edit form.

I'm just framing the issue right now, have not yet done it. The theme I'm using, Adaptivetheme, has a set of content edit templates, where you can override field formats, including a multiple file field. I'm not sure if this template is something custom to Adaptivetheme or is part of the core templating system, but I will be exploring it because I have a current need. If I come up with a solution, I will post it here. If you do before me, post it here as well.

pmbd’s picture

Any progress on this?

vincentdewit67’s picture

You can make a view page with formatted as grid with fields. Add the imagefield. Set contenttype filter. Change path to the path from your node, like node/% or node/45. Set contextual filter to Content: ID. Check override title. Set this "{{ arguments.nid }}" token as new title. Done.