I have a filter exposed on the front end display of content. This filter is also exposed on the back end block, allowing me to filter on years. If I use the back end filter to tell the front end to display a range of years, the front end filter is no longer present.

I would like the front end block filter to remain even if the back end block filter is being used to manage content display.


I have a range of content thats spans 10 years.
In my front end view, I only want 5 years to show.
I set a back end filter on the block, telling it to only display content from 2012 to 2016.
On the front end I want the year filter to remain and allow the front end user to filter by year based on the year range I set on the back end filter.
The front end year filter would display 2012 through 2016, and allow the front end user to select a specific year they would like to view.


riannuzzi created an issue.