Configuring Danland (7.x):
I want to move the "my account | logout" links that by default seem to show up at the bottom right of each page. I want these links to show up in the top right, near (or above) the search region. I tried putting the login block up in the search region and that worked for unauthorized users. But once authorized the "My Account | logout" block is showing in the lower right, it looks like it is outside the block regions, and I can see it is printed by page.tpl.php. I see the id=authorize lines in page.tpl.php but I suspect I shouldn't change those lines? What is the right way to move this block? I wondered if I should just tell Danland to turn off (not display) the "my account | logout" links; then make a block that contains the same php code; and then tell Danland to display the new block in the search region. Or I wonder if there is a prescribed way to override what I see happening in page.tpl.php. Sorry I am new enough to drupal that I am not sure how to approach this desired change.