My webhost uses the localhost/admin directory for the online admin tools for hosting.

Is it possible to change the URLs in the Administration area, so the admin/ directory isn't used?

When I click on modules in the admin section, my webhost attempts to open my webhost tools, which kinds of breaks Drupal.

I tried moving drupal to /drupal, so that admin would be drupal/admin, but that didn't work.

I can't actually see an /admin directory, so I'm not sure how to edit it.

I searched for this on the site, but I couldn't find anything.

If this has already been covered elsewhere, I'd like to know where.

Comments’s picture

My webhost also has a control panel which u use to access. The best thing to do it keep everything relating to drupal the same but access the admin area by using and it should all work fine.

lowcarbkitten’s picture

Using that URL, I get:

You are not authorized to access this page.

but now I have that workaround, I'm noticing other pages are also not found:

The requested URL /node/add was not found on this server.

Have I broken something else here as well?

Dries’s picture

The "You are not authorized to access this page." message is a Drupal message and indicates that you need to authenticate first. Log on as user #1 and try again ... it should work.

scott_’s picture

The requested URL /node/add was not found on this server. Indicates that the URL is not being rewritten, did you upload the .htaccess file?

There was a similar thread you might find interesting: Changing "user" and "admin" URLs (host automatically redirects).

lowcarbkitten’s picture

That's the kind of thread I was looking for.

lowcarbkitten’s picture

I haven't heard anything back here

Are there any Drupal docs on what the htaccess file should look like?