/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i 'avi_0.avi' -strict experimental -vcodec 'h264' -qscale '12' -acodec 'aac' -ac '2' -pass '1' -passlogfile '/tmp/1457110637-56d9be6e0049a-multipass' -y /tmp/1457110637-56d9be6e003d2.avi

PHPVideoToolkit error: Execute error. It was not possible to encode "docroot/sites/default/files/videos/converted/avi_0.avi" as FFmpeg returned an error. Note, however the error was encountered on the second pass of the encoding process and the first pass appear to go fine. The error is with the video codec of the input file. FFmpeg reports the error to be "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height".

If I run the exact same command in the command line it works. it only fails when ran through the module.
Any help would be appreciated.


cotillardq created an issue.

voughndutch’s picture

Subscribe. Any progress?

dotsam’s picture

Same problem here. ffmpeg transcoding doesn't work if 2-pass is enabled.