Dear all ,i have a website call www.rebavideo .com ,its about videos and some news ,before we had a blog entry content type after change the Blog entry name to blog now i can't add content ,when am trying to add content to the content type it give me blank page with this url: how to correct such error



wolfborg’s picture

I'm guessing the reason is likely because of the machine name of the content type. When you change the name of a content type, the machine name isn't automatically changed with it. This means that your old link would be the working link to add to it while this new link won't work because the machine name hasn't been changed. If you just go to "node/add", try to click the "Blog" content type from there to see if you can add it. To get the link "node/add/blog" to work, you have to change the content type's machine name by going to "admin/structure/types" and then clicking "edit" next to the content type and then next to the name field there should be something that says "machine name" with an edit link next to that. Click the link and change the name to "blog". Save your changes and the new link should work.

Also, for future reference, we can't exactly see the error message with your site for this kind of thing when we don't have accounts/admin access. For such things, you should take screenshots and post/link them or copy/paste the error messages directly.

Valens rwakageyo’s picture

hello Wolfborg,i created an account for you to support me on this problems after follow all the steps u gave me


Valens rwakageyo’s picture

hello Wolfborg,i created an account for you to support me on this problems after follow all the steps u gave me.the error still there