As Admin, I get a Text Format selector when editing a Basic page. (The one that allows me to choose between Full HTML, Filtered HTML, etc.) Authorised users, however, get nothing.

The roles under /admin/config/content/formats show:

   Full HTML	          administrator, editor
   Filtered HTML	  administrator, editor
   Plain text	          All roles may use this format

The profiles under /admin/config/content/wysiwyg are ordered:

   Full HTML
   Filtered HTML
   Plain text	

Permissions for the editor role under admin/people/permissions are ticked for all filters and all nodes.

But my editors still get no Text Format selection. All they do get is "Disable rich text".

What the hell's going on?


Jaypan’s picture

Are you sure your editors have the editor role?

Tux Love’s picture

Yep, just checked one of my users. His status is Active, role Editor (ticked), and "Text formats enabled for rich-text editing" are shown as Filtered HTML and Full HTML