When you make organic groups that are panelized in D7, there are permissions within these organic groups. Maintainers of the group should be able to perform panels operations.

However, IPE permissions currently are globally set in drupal7

So hopefully we can change this with Drupal 8:
* IPE should be conditionally attached based on whether you have access, not just because its panelized or in PM.

* Heres my node/entity
* needs to run through the plugins that ask whether they apply
* if it does apply, then perform some access actions
* OG says user is an administrator of a node, so yes.
* Workbench Moderation says this isn't a forward revision, so we should be returning no.

Main takeaways:
* Access plugins should provide yes/no (maybe neutral?) opinions to access
* Permissions should be like a vernier
* Make sure links don't overlap contextual links or quickedit
* No draconian overriding permissions


japerry created an issue. See original summary.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

Version: 8.x-3.x-dev » 8.x-4.x-dev