What format should text tables have to be properly imported by sheetnode_text?
Cells should be separated by at least two whitespaces to be recognized.

How can I refer to external data from my cells?

  • To refer to cells in other sheetnodes, use ="nid"!cell-ref or "node-title"!cell-ref. For example: ="719"!L3.
  • To refer to node fields, use =ORG.DRUPAL.FIELD(field-name, [oid, entity-name]), e.g. =ORG.DRUPAL.FIELD('title', 719, 'node'). You can also omit the nid and type-name if you want to refer to the current node.
  • To include tokens, use =ORG.DRUPAL.TOKEN(token, [oid, entity-name]).