Hi, fellow's !

How , where and why could i define the default Drupal block to be positioned where I want in the sections defined in the .info file of my theme, when a administrator choose to install and use it ??

Some var in the info file? in a config folder? with a module? with my right feet ?

If you help me to make it possible, you'll save 36 kittens in the world from DEATH !

Thanks for them.


Jeff Burnz’s picture

If you are asking about D8, then yes, its config install files.

If you download Adaptivetheme for D8, enabled the Theme Generator, generate a theme, then look in the config/install sub directories in your new theme you'll see a bunch of block config files that do what you are asking.

E.g. you have the branding block and your theme is called MYTHEME...

file: MYTHEME/config/install/block.block.MYTHEME_branding.yml

langcode: en
status: true
    - system
id: MYTHEME_branding
theme: MYTHEME
region: header_first
weight: 0
provider: null
plugin: system_branding_block
  id: system_branding_block
  label: 'Site branding'
  provider: system
  label_display: '0'
  use_site_logo: true
  use_site_name: true
  use_site_slogan: true
visibility: {  }
Snyf’s picture

Omg you couln'd make it more simple.

Ouray for kitten !

EDIT: could i found some documentation for that somewhere ?