
I am looking to Import a CSV file to the already registered users on my website and link the data being imported to their Profile2 fields.

Another issue is whats the best way to layout my CSV? A skill audit of all staff have been collected and the CSV file has a lot of fields that are blank, meaning the staff does not have that skill. Whats the best way to use Feeds and Profile2 to import data into the users Profile2 fields and exclude the fields(skills) that are empty in the CSV file.

I am using a Field Collection to store these fields [SkillName, SkillLevel, SkillExperience, SkillExamples]. Now there are around 100 skills being audited for, and each record has blanks meaning they don't have that skill.

Whats the most efficient way to importing such a thing?


mizage@gmail.com’s picture

A few years back I had to import a ton of users and populate the Profile2 fields. Unfortunately I don't currently have access to that data. I did use tab delimited format and had great success. The data was a bit dirty and had lots of commas and other punctuation.

I would use Feeds Tamper to manipulate the data and deal with empty fields.

Have you played with the field collection feeds module?