Hello, I have to use the Context Breakpoints module, but there is a problem with Varnish.
My question is, is the setting in my default.vcl right? Or does someone used the module together with varnish and can send me the right config or a hint.

set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, ";(SESS[a-z0-9]+|SSESS[a-z0-9]+|NO_CACHE+|context_breakpoints)=", "; \1=");



AlMiesel’s picture

Didn`t anyone use Varnish and Context-Breakpoint module together? Is there any other easy solution to use Drupal caching and Context-Breakpoints with the cookie solution?

endiku’s picture

I have had the same problem and the same question for a year now. I have done all kinds of experimentation and hunted for a solution. I have never found one. Not the answer you were hoping to get but we are in the same boat. I'm very surprised that this isn't a wider issue with more people.

joro78’s picture

In my .vcl file in section sub vcl_recv:

set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, ";(SESS[a-z0-9]+|SSESS[a-z0-9]+|context_breakpoints+|NO_CACHE)=", "; \1=");

Remember to reload & restart the varnish service, after editing.