Hello all,
I'm working on a site for two organizations who basically need the same exact thing. I'm hoping for some useful tips.

We are a membership based organization which means we need to collect member dues every year. what I'm looking for is this:

1) I can easily generate a form, but I'd like users to be able to fill it out without registering for a drupal account on our site. Ideally, the information would be tied to their email address, at least for now--I'd like to organize email registration eventually.
2. I want to collect this data in a table where I can hopefully generate a report with all the membership information. A simple CSV would be fine.
3. I want them to pay for their dues via PayPal button. I somehow need to denote in the membership table I mentioned previously that they paid, potentially with something like IPN? I'm not exactly sure how this would work and this is where I'm having most of my issues. I can have them fill out the form and then Paypal button after, but this leads to some cart abandonment issues and you have to connect the Paypal emails with the form submissions.

Any thoughts/ideas on this would be great.