I apologize in front for a maybe really easy to solve question, but i don´t have a clue how to do it.

I have access to a drupal page (admin rights) and can see the recent log entries. http://example.com/admin/reports/dblog
Everythings fine, but the oldest one is just two days old.
But i need the logs from two weeks ago to see what happend then.
The log settings show that access logs will be discarded after 16 weeks and access log is enabled, so i hope that the two week old logs are still available, but i can´t find them. Only recent logs (2 days).

Discard log entries above the following row limit is set to 1000. Hopefully this was enough for two weeks.

Would be happy, if someone could answer this question.

Again, sorry for such a basic topic - but when looking in the search, the number of results was so high, that i could not find exactly my question.

Thank you for any help


VM’s picture

check the database if they are still available to your installation they would be found there. Based on your explanation, I'm not betting they are still available.

marinukalovic’s picture

Hi VM,
thanks for the answer.
I don´t know, how to check the database.

Does it make sense to expand the row from 1000 to 10000 for logs, to make sure and gain time, that older logs will not be deleted until we find the log we are looking for?
I cannot ask the webmaster, as he is mybe the guy who changed something.

VM’s picture

use your host database management tool in your hosting cockpit to check the database. Typically phpmyadmin. Tutorials on how to use phpmyadmin can be found with google.