Go down to "Meny", compare the content in the tabs "'a la carte" and "avhämtning".

They are using the identical settings in views to "title", i.e. h6.

Although they get rendered differently, the h6:after is not working in the tab "avhämtning".

I suspect there's something with the h6:after not working on the other tab, what causes this?

Any suggestions on a solution?


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

The pseudo element is added by this CSS directive: .block-menu h6:after.

The block DIV in the tab "avhämtning" does not have this class ("block-menu") and therefore the pseudo element doesn't get added. You either have to add the class to the second tab's block div container or you have to amend the CSS in a way that it applies to the markup in both tabs.

I wonder how you're debugging your CSS styles? With a browser inspector (like in Chrome & FF) it literally takes 20 seconds to debug this.

I like cookies!

blazyb’s picture

Thanks, got it sorted out. For some reason after I used "clone view" on the correct one (á la carte), the cloned view didnt use the same css file (style.ccs), instead it used a skeleton.css. So I just set the css file to style.css to the cloned view (avhämtning).