
I am using bootstrap theme.

I created two blocks.

Block1 body:
<a href = "http://www.img1.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src="img1.png" >

Block1: Block Class: col-xs-6

Block2 body:

<a href = "http://www.img2.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src="img2.png" > 

Block2: Block Class: col-xs-6

This is for mobile. When I make the screen less than 768px, I do see this two blocks side by side as expected. As I am making the screen smaller, (1) I expected both images to be responsive but I do not see it. (2) I see image one the left fixed and image on the right is overlapping the left image.

Did I make the block incorrectly? Do I need to apply css to make the images responsive?

Please advise.


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Not really a Drupal question to be honest and I'm not a CSS guy .. but as far as I know you have to give images a width via CSS based on percentages. If you google for "responsive images css" you'll get the idea.

I like cookies!

drupalfriend123’s picture

.mcd img { float:left; width:80%; } .teks img{ float:right; width:80%; }

This code worked. Not sure this is the correct solution but images are responsive now.

gauravktomar’s picture

Yes this solution is correct. In case of overlapping, it's definitely a css issue. Float is a CSS positioning property and can be used to wrap text around images.
Fro more details about float, you can read this article: https://css-tricks.com/all-about-floats/
