When mp3 files contain spaces in their names, spaces gets converted into plus sings (+). So if I go to http://localhost/xspf/node/NID, a file named "03 - Radiohead - Nude.MP3" becomes 03+-+Radiohead+-+Nude.MP3. However, this doesn't play when referred from the flash player (I am using XSPF web music player extended). In order to see what's wrong, I copied the code from the url and created a xspf file. If I change the plus signs into %20 and call the xspf file instead of url, the flash player works properly (03%20-%20Radiohead%20-%20Nude.MP3).

Since it is impossible to control the usage of file names by users, would it be possible to fix this issue?

FYI: In order to identify the cause of the problem, I was reading the post at http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14143&slice...
and also 6.2 from http://www.xspf.org/xspf-v1.html
and thought this might be the reason.
Since I am not a programmer, I cannot be too confident though.



jp.stacey’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

Thanks for reporting, jajathejazzcat. Duplicate of #910136: Spaces throughout URLs being replaced by plus signs, not %20 as standard - let's move discussion there.