The formerly OneHourTranslation, now BLEND translator module (tmgmt_oht) is a plugin for the Translation Management Tool (TMGMT) and provides support to send and receive translation jobs to the BLEND service.

Installation instructions

The BLEND Translator is built for Drupal versions 9 and 10 and is a translator plugin for the TMGMT module.

To use the BLEND Translator you need to install the TMGMT module and its dependencies.

Note: The user manual below, uses TMGMT demo module for easier translation setup. For real websites you can enable only BLEND translator module (tmgmt_oht) and the TMGMT modules if you are not using them yet.TMGMT Demo is only meant to be used on fresh, empty installations, it will do things like creating content and languages. Don't use it on real sites.

Testing of Translation Management BLEND translator can be easily done using

  1. Drupal 9 version

By clicking the links above, you will have preselected latest versions of TMGMT and BLEND modules.
The text below will try to explain how BLEND translator works with Drupal 9 and 10.

After clicking on “Launch sandbox” you can complete standard Drupal installation by using default values and clicking on “Save and continue”.
When you have your new Drupal 9 website ready, click on “Extend”.
From the long list of Drupal modules, select: “Translation Management Demo” and “BLEND translator” and click on “Install”.
You will get the confirmation message which modules will be enabled.
Click “Continue” to proceed.

Translator settings

Click “Configuration” and then “Translation Management translators”.
You should be able to see 2 translators (File translator and BLEND translator).
Click “Edit” to change settings for BLEND translator.
You can see information about translator (label, description etc) and most importantly “BLEND translator plugin settings” where you can set “BLEND API Public key”, “BLEND API Secret key” and select option to use “Sandbox” or real service.
In case you enter wrong keys you will get an error message informing you that your credentials are not correct.
By clicking “Save” and “Edit” again, you will notice that default list of “Remote languages mapping” has been updated with the list of languages that BLEND service supports.

Translation process

Click on “Translation” and then “Sources” to see the list of available nodes for translation. As we are using TMGMT Demo module you will see the list of 3 nodes.
Select one (or more) and click on “Request translation”.
Choose a “Target language” and in “Configure translator” settings you will see the price for your node, number of words and your current account balance.
Also, you can select “Expertise” option in case your content should be translated by industry professionals. Changing “Expertise” will update the price, as well.
When you are ready, click “Submit to translator”.
You will get a message that “translation job” has been created.
Click on “Jobs” to see the list of created translation jobs.
Click on “Manage” to see more details about specific job. In “Translation job messages” you will see the list of job messages. In case your translation is already received you should be able to see it there.
Translator information” section provides a button “Pull translations” which manually checks for available translations and pull them if it is the case.

Review” button on a job item will open a new form where you can review translation text and change/accept it. On the same page is a section “BLEND Comments” which displays the list of comments created on website for this translation project. It is possible to write comments from Drupal which will be available on BLEND project page as well.

Click on “Save” to finish reviewing process. When you finish reviewing all your job items you can click on “Save job”.