I'm migrating a publication library to D7 from another CMS. I've created a node that contains information about the publication, and each publication can contain any number of files. The publications can be marked as being public or internal only and each of the files contained can also be individually marked as such. Right now, it seems like my best course of action is to create a new content type to hold the files, just so I can add the extra field I need to specify where the file is public or not. It would be ideal to be able to use File Entity to add a public? field to the file type and assign the values during my migration. If it already exists and I've just missed it, please enlighten me, I noticed that migrate extras has unsupported support for the old version of media, but I couldn't get migrate to recognise my custom fields there either.

Is migrate support something that might be coming? I wish I could contribute to making it happen, but I'm still to inexperienced with drupal to be much help on that front.


ultrabob created an issue.