# Summary

Password Toggle adds a "show password" checkbox to password fields. This allows users to toggle masking of their password.

Further reading on the usability benefits of this:

This functionality may be added to Drupal core in 8.1.x. See: #2293803: Replace confirm password element with a new password element with show/hide functionality

Some work has been done on porting Password Toggle to D8. See: #2202901: Port Password toggle to Drupal 8 and 9

# Project URL


# Where is the code?

See #2202901: Port Password toggle to Drupal 8 and 9 for work on porting this module to a Drupal 8 version.

See #2293803: Replace confirm password element with a new password element with show/hide functionality for work on incorporating the functionality of this module into Drupal 8.1.x core.

# Estimated completion date


# Dependencies


# Who's doing the port?

stborchert (currently), andrii zahura (in 2014)

# What help do they need?


# D8 roadmap


# Background and reference information



rootwork created an issue.