Hi All,

I have a little issue with a Bootstrap modal (bootstrap 3) and a drupal form. I created a module to create the form and I print it with drupal_render in a template. Everything looks good.

But, when I click the submit button it's as if the modal window closes before the form submits. The form works unto itself (I've tested it), so I'm pretty sure the bootstrap modal is closing before the form is submitted. Is there a proper approach that I'm missing here? Or, any other help/insight would be appreciated.

Thank you!


knewbee’s picture

Ahh. It wasn't a bootstrap issue. It's a node_save issue.

Basically, when the modal window is fired there is a also an update via node_save (removing a value from a field), but for some reason the form that's rendered in the modal won't submit afterwards.

I'm figuring out the correct approach.