I have successfully Adopted an external table and am setting up the joins. There are two fields that contain TIDs for 2 different vocabularies. I am able to configure the join for the first one, but when I attempt to configure the join for the 2nd one (using the same join field: taxonomy_term_data.tid), the first one disappears.

It appears that there is a limitation that allows only one join to a given table/field. Such a limitation should not exist as there are any number of scenarios where there could be multiple fields in a table that join to the same foreign table/field.


mgmd created an issue.

dean.p’s picture

Hi, just looking at the date of your post, you may have figured this out by now, however... since term id's (TID) are unique, you only need one join. No two terms will have the same TID regardless of vocabulary.

nimek’s picture

I have exact same situation where I want join two columns from my custom table to node.nid. When I add second join first one disappears.

I need that because I want to add two relations in views.