
I assume there is a module somewhere that will allow me to do this but cannot find it - how do I restrict a Views exposed select filter to only show published nodes as available options, or more importantly, not show unpublished nodes? Thank you!



VM’s picture

No module needed. This would be set in the view. Are you sure you are viewing the view as a role less than admin (which has access to both published and unpublished content) ?

drummondf’s picture

Thank you for the reply - I actually need to re-format this question.

I am using an exposed filter to filter by node ref. I need to display as options only nodes with a particular taxonomy ref. I use the same content type for Leads and Clients, and they are differentiated by a taxonomy term (Lead or Client). This way when a Lead converts we simply flip the toggle and don't have to change any other details.

So, is there a way to only show in the View exposed filter options of the Lead/Client content type that only have Lead or Client as their taxonomy term?

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