Has anyone experienced a situation where modules have become disabled without obvious user intervention? In the last few days a number of UI modules (the context_ui, views_ui, fontyourface_ui, views_ui and rules_admin modules) have become disabled. Our Communications staff noticed when they couldn't work with Contexts anymore. We only have four Drupal admins and none of us disabled these modules. Unfortunately since this is production we don't have query logging turned on for performance reasons so I can't check to see if a direct database query was executed to disable them.

Has anyone else experienced something similar to this?



yelvington’s picture

Did you look at your logs? Drupal logs module activation and deactivations.

taslett’s picture

Hi Pablo,
I haven't experienced that before.
The UI modules are known to be bad for performance, so best practice type modules will point them out as such.
Could someone in your team have seen something similar and turned them off, or do you have a module that disables them because of performance.