
I have a node type where one of the fields can contains one or more entity references. I create this rule: when a node is created, fetch the first entity mentioned in the field, then if the value of one of its field is true, sent an email. Then fetch the second entity, if the value of one of its field is true, react with another action, etc...

What happens when you fetch the second entity and there is no second entity? Does the part of the rule depending on it is just ignored or does it creates problems that I might not see?


nevets’s picture

Are you using a loop in rules to read the fields values?

Ambroise A’s picture

Yes, I have re-organised my rule, like on this screenshot: http://imgur.com/k74Zkeb

I'm not familiar with loops in rule. Is it set up properly, to sent one email to each user mentioned in the entity reference field? In this configuration, does the loop ends on its own, when there is no more entity referenced or do I need to add something?

Thanks for your help!

nevets’s picture

The loop will end on its own after the last entry for the field.