Hi all,

I'm currently working on a site that is going to start off with around 50 - 100 pages for a 3-day, yearly, event. It will grow to encompass other events as time goes on (thinking of using a multi-site, or the domain access module to manage content and users). There might be around 3,000 - 5,000 visitors to the event surrounding the time frame of the event. I'll throw out a WAG and say that about half of them will hit the site during the time frame. The bulk of this site will be for the consumption of data. There will be some solicitation of user feedback for the events.

It looks like COD (Conference Organizing Distribution - https://www.drupal.org/project/cod) might be a perfect fit.

Currently, we're thinking of using AWS due to its ability to scale. However, I'm wondering if this is the best route. What kind of specs are suggested to run a site of this size? Any suggestions on where to host a site like this?


yelvington’s picture

Doesn't seem that you're likely to have a scale problem. You could build your site on Pantheon.io and, if needed, crank up the horsepower.

dhyppolite’s picture

Thanks for the suggestion. Pantheon looks like an interesting hosting solution. I like how their system seems to be catered towards developers.

basienia18’s picture

I will look into pantheon myself, never heard of it. Thanks for suggesting it.