Hello everyone, I'm not an expert in drupal and can not figure out how to format this field collection.

I have a collection field with the name field_eventi_tappe
inside there is a field field_eventi_tappe_coordinate (type geofiel).

within the node there are various points with Longitude, latitude.

I want to unpack the field collection in order to reconstruct a link (in dwt) of this kind:

<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/dir/$lat1,$long1/$lat2,$long2/etc... etc" target="_blank"> Show me the itinerary </ a >

effettuado a var_dump ($ node-> field_eventi_tappe);
I get

array (1) {["und"] => array (3) {[0] => array (2) {["value"] => string (2) "10" ["revision_id"] => string (2) "10"} [1] => array (2) {["value"] => string (2) "11" ["revision_id"] => string (2) "11"} [2] => array (2) {["value"] => string (2) "12" ["revision_id"] => string (2) "12"}}}


ahillio’s picture

Sounds like https://www.drupal.org/project/linked_field might do what you need...?