JavaScript's console.log creates an error in IE if Developer Tools is NOT open.

From site above:
How can I tell?

A simple test to see if console is the issue in your sites Javascript is to add this just before your body tag, or, after all your sites Javascript files have loaded:

if(!window.console) {
  var console = {
    log : function(){},
    warn : function(){},
    error : function(){},
    time : function(){},
    timeEnd : function(){}

Reload that in IE. If your script(s) start magically working - your issue is definitely console methods being used. Don’t leave this in though, it certainly is not a fix by any means. It simply defines an object if it is not yet defined.

The simple fix is commenting it out when you’re through using it. Often times, we get so gung-ho about debugging our code that sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees. This is one of those instances. The minute you try to debug this, you won’t get very far, as the very tool you likely use to debug scripts is the thing causing the issue!"

An alternative solution is to prepend the console calls with a check for console like:



ConfuciusDa1st created an issue. See original summary.

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Hi There,

Thanks for your patience here! We've made some changes in our support organization and we're working through responding to these. We've escalated this up to our team to review.

ShareThis Support

apaderno’s picture

Version: 7.x-2.12 » 7.x-2.x-dev
Issue tags: -Internet Explorer 8, -Needs JavaScript review, -console is undefined