I need to be able to enter sales transactions and save them to a file. A transaction consists of multiple fields: name, address, amount ... Is this possible in Drupal?



nevets’s picture

Not sure why you need to save them in a file.

In Drupal, the straightforward way would be to use a content type, in which case it's stored in the database.

bander2’s picture

Then, if you want, I guess you could download a PDF version of the content with this module:


- Brendan

je1’s picture

The user interface is used to enter several transactions which need to be saved to database or file per user. The transactions are later processed by another application.

The question is about the data entry form page, is there a simple way to allow each user to create, view, update their transactions?

Thank you Brendan for you comment

nevets’s picture

Like I said, the straight forward approach would be to use a custom content type with appropriate fields.

je1’s picture

Can you explain more or provide links on how a custom content type, once created, can be used by different users to save/view transactions to their own database like user profile - logged in user only sees own data?

Thank you for the comments.

VM’s picture

the content type is the form
data is entered into the form and saved to the database (not a file).

to generate lists of content from the database you would utilize the views.module.

There is a plethora of documentation that you should take the time to read through. What you ask is a very common use (adding data/listing data).

if you need to feed the data from your site to another program then you will have to determine what filetype is needed and research whether drupal can output that file type for you. Most often it can.

je1’s picture

One requirement is that a user can see only his entered/saved transactions data.

So when a user logins in and fill the custom content type (using Form as it was mentioned), any insights on how that user can view only his data later (using Views as you recommended)?


nevets’s picture

If you use the content access module you can limit the viewing of the content only to the author, site adminstator and other select roles (if needed).