I posted previously about problems associated with my attempt to install drupal commons on an Amazon cloud server.

The installation failed because of two issues: 1) needed to increase PHP Max Execution Time to 120 and 2) OpCache is installed but is not enough space to successfully install Drupal Commons. Change the capacity to at least 96.

I accessed and changed those configurations in my php.ini file via command line. I made sure that I saved after each modification (control+o), exited (control+x) and restarted apache 2. The PHP max execution changes saved as the error doesn't come up again. But my Opcache changes remain the same. I've tried at least 10 times to redo and re-save the changes but nothing seems to work.

I would appreciate any assistance that anyone can provide.

Thanks so much.


dcoltonbrown’s picture

I have looked everywhere and cannot find the answer to this...anyone?