I was setting up my weblog with Drupal and then I ran into these two issues.

Does Drupal have a comments rss?

And is there a way to display all blog entries in a certain month like in WordPress where it has month pages listed on the side?

I can't use the archive+calendar module because:
1. I would prefer an by month archive, I don't think I'd post that many entries per day
2. The calendar puts the posts on the wrong date


Kate of Lokys’s picture

I'm not sure about months, but there is a week module that works well on blogs (example). In theory, you should be able to tweak the module code to span a month instead of a week at a time (I've no idea how, though, since I code at the level of a poorly-trained chimp).

chanon’s picture

Thanks, I will check that

Gábor Hojtsy’s picture

There is a comment rss module.

chanon’s picture

I can't find one on the modules page. How can I access it?

varunvnair’s picture

I think the Comment RSS in CVS is what you are looking for.

But since it is in CVS it might not be ready for prime time. Do let us know if this module fulfilled your needs and if you faced any problems.

Kirill’s picture


I have put together a module for monthly listings based on the work Prometheus6 has already done. You may download it from here:


Feedback would be appreciated

elhombresinatributos’s picture

It hangs because overexceeds the maximum execution time.

Sorry pal.

elhombresinatributos’s picture

If you enable clean URL's and you sort them in the way:


then you only have to design an html block whith:

<a href="http://www.example.com/2006/06">June 2006</a><br>
<a href="http://www.example.com/2006/07">July 2006</a><br>

It not really automatic, but it works fine and adding a line per month is not much work.

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